Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"What really happened was"…the joys of TTC.

**Warning : this may be TMI but hey, this is all part of infertility and ttc. 
***I am not trying to market any products but this is what I believe got us pregnant. 

Some people have wondered and asked how we got pregnant.

And often, people "assume" it's because we "stopped trying." That is a peeve of mine. We got pregnant  because we "stopped trying." No. We stopped trying plenty of times during the 5 years we had been trying but we have never prevented it either. I always figured I got pregnant the 1st time because I started taking herbs. I took Dong Quai, Evening Primrose Oil, and Vitex. And then there was this stuff called Preseed. It's a sperm-friendly lubricant that helps the little guys up there without killing them as other lubricants would.

Soon after taking the herbs and using the Preseed during that cycle, I was pregnant. I always thought that I had lost the baby because I quit taking the herbs as soon as I found out I was pregnant.

We decided to accept being childfree after the miscarriage. One night, we got down to *business* and decided to use Preseed just for some extra fun. I remember telling my husband "Don't worry, I am not taking the herbs anymore so I won't get pregnant." (Assuming the herbs helped me get pregnant last time.) A few weeks later, around 3w2d to be exact, I found out I was pregnant.

I truly believe it was the Preseed. I had used it only those 2 times and both times, I found out I was pregnant. We are praying hard that this one is a healthy, full term pregnancy. I am currently using Progesterone Cream twice a day…they won't test me for low progesterone at the clinic I go to. I have my first ultrasound this afternoon and I am nervous! During our last pregnancy, our first ultrasound is the day we found out the news that I had a missed miscarriage. It's bringing back a lot of emotions but I have to try my best to keep the faith.

UPDATE!!!!! Here is Baby Fish!!! Our appointment went well. My doctor is pleased…and we are relieved!!! EDD March 5th, 2015.

Our Rainbow <3

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